A classmate states that igneous rock must always become sedimentary rock next , according to the rock cycle .explain why this statement is not correct

This is because the igneous rock could become a metaphoric rock before a sedimentary rock. An igneous rock is formed from lava and magma while the sedimentary rock is formed slowly over time by minerals layering gradually.

A classmate states that igneous rock must always become sedimentary rock next,according to the rock cycle

the igneous rock could become a metaphoric rock before a sedimentary rock. An igneous rock is formed from lava and magma while the sedimentary rock is formed slowly over time by minerals layering gradually.


Yooo all the different years and they act the same that we do now lmao

I Hate Science😜

Skut bun sun hahahahahhahhaah

i love science is the best subject in the world what is you talking about

I have too much swaggg

Don't no😀

the igneous rock could become a metaphoric rock before a sedimentary rock. An igneous rock is formed from lava and magma while the sedimentary rock is formed slowly over time by minerals layering gradually.

A classmate states that igneous rock must always become sedimentary rock next,according to the rock cycle

Tge igneous ro