A classroom bulletin board is 7ft by 4ft,if there is a picure of a student every 6 inches along the edge including 1 in each corner,how many pictures are on the bulletin board?

Are the pictures along the 7ft edge or the 4ft edge?

it doesnt say,it just say 6 inches along the edge.

I drew a diagram to scale on a piece of graph paper. I found there are 40 pictures.

That's 40 pictures assuming there are pictures along all four edges.

To find the number of pictures on the bulletin board, we first need to calculate the total number of pictures on each side of the bulletin board and then multiply them to get the total.

First, let's calculate the number of pictures on each side.

The bulletin board is 7 feet by 4 feet, which gives us:
7 feet = 7 * 12 = 84 inches (since 1 foot = 12 inches)
4 feet = 4 * 12 = 48 inches

Now, let's find the number of pictures on the long sides (top and bottom).

Since there is a picture every 6 inches along the edge, we divide the length of the side by 6 to get the number of pictures.
For the top and bottom sides (7 feet), we have:
84 inches / 6 inches = 14 pictures

Next, let's find the number of pictures on the short sides (left and right).

Again, dividing the length of the side (4 feet) by 6 inches, we get:
48 inches / 6 inches = 8 pictures

Since there are 4 sides on the bulletin board, we add up the number of pictures from all sides:
(14 pictures + 14 pictures) + (8 pictures + 8 pictures)

Finally, we multiply the number of pictures on each side by the number of sides to get the total number of pictures:
(14 + 14) + (8 + 8) = 28 + 16 = 44 pictures

Therefore, there are 44 pictures on the classroom bulletin board.