One long-distance telephone company offers a plan such that the first 20 minutes costs $.99 and each additional minute costs $.09. Solve an inequality to find the maximum amount of full minutes you can talk for $5.00.

At first I got: 5 is greater than or equal to .99+(1.8-.09m)

But that's not right because i solved it and got a negative number and you can't talk for negative minutes

0.99 + 0.09x < 5.00

0.09x < 4.01

x < 4.01 / 0.09

x < 44.6 = 44

44 + 20 < 64 minutes

To find the maximum amount of full minutes you can talk for $5.00, we can set up an inequality using the given information.

Let's assume that 'm' represents the number of additional minutes talked after the initial 20 minutes.

The cost for the first 20 minutes is $0.99, and the cost for each additional minute is $0.09.

The inequality can be set up as follows:

Total Cost ≤ $5.00

$0.99 + $0.09m ≤ $5.00

Now, let's solve the inequality step-by-step:

Step 1: Subtract $0.99 from both sides of the inequality:

$0.09m ≤ $5.00 - $0.99

$0.09m ≤ $4.01

Step 2: Divide both sides of the inequality by $0.09 to isolate 'm':

m ≤ $4.01 / $0.09

m ≤ 44.56

Since 'm' represents the number of additional minutes, it cannot be a fraction or decimal value. Therefore, the maximum number of additional minutes you can talk for $5.00 is 44.

Adding the initial 20 minutes, the maximum amount of full minutes you can talk for $5.00 is 20 + 44 = 64 minutes.

To find the maximum amount of full minutes you can talk for $5.00, we need to set up an inequality and solve it.

Let's assume the number of additional minutes you talk after the initial 20 minutes is represented by 'm'.

The cost of the additional minutes is given as $.09 per minute. So, the cost of the additional minutes is 0.09m.

The total cost, including the first 20 minutes, can be expressed as $.99 + 0.09m.

We want to find the maximum value of 'm' for which the total cost is less than or equal to $5.00.

So, the inequality can be written as:

$.99 + 0.09m ≤ $5.00

To solve this inequality, start by subtracting $.99 from both sides of the equation:

0.09m ≤ $5.00 - $.99

0.09m ≤ $4.01

Next, divide both sides of the inequality by 0.09 to isolate 'm':

m ≤ $4.01 / 0.09

m ≤ 44.56

Since we are dealing with whole minutes, we round down the value of 'm' to the nearest whole number:

m ≤ 44

Therefore, the maximum number of full minutes you can talk for $5.00 is 44 minutes.