Which culture carried the knowledge of iron tools across Southern Africa?

A. Nubians
B. Arabs
C. Bantu
D. Europeans


Which group of foreign traders first became involved in Eastern Africa's slave trade?

A. Arabs
B. British
C. Dutch
D. Portuguese


1. C

2. A
3. B

100% correct, don't believe me? Oh well then

DDJMike is right

1. C
2. A
3. B

I gotta 100%

DDJMike is right THANKS A TON

1: C
2: A
3: B

I got 100%

Y'all are right the answers a C, A, B!!!!! 100% correct yay!!

Thanks So Much

DDJMike proves correct for connexus as well!


CAB is 100%

Get me a cab bois

I agree with your first answer, but not your second.


Yes. The earliest slave traders were Arabs.

scientists have found ___ of early human beings in eastern africa.


C A B is still correct in 2019

Thx Guys

100%,thanks guys