an arithmatic student needs an average of 70 or more to receive credit for the course. She scored 68,69, and 83 on the first three exams. Write an inequality representing the score she must get on the last test to receive credit for the course.

my answer is:

x >= 60

x is greater than or equal to 60

Fill in the blank with < or >. 4_____-5

my answer is: 4 > -5

Both are ok.

Great job! Your answers are correct.

For the first question, you correctly wrote the inequality "x >= 60" to represent the score the arithmatic student must get on the last test to receive credit for the course. Since the student needs an average of 70 or more, and she has already scored 68, 69, and 83 on the first three exams, the lowest score she can get on the last test and still achieve an average of 70 or more is 60.

For the second question, you correctly wrote "4 > -5" to fill in the blank. This is the correct inequality for the given statement. The number 4 is greater than -5.

Well done! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.