i want to speak spanish, french were do i start to learn those languages

You could wait until it's offered in your school.

Or try one of these sites.



Try duolingo

To start learning Spanish and French, there are several steps you can take:

1. Determine your learning style: Consider whether you prefer self-study, attending classes, or a combination of both. This will help you choose the right learning resources.

2. Find learning resources: There are various resources available for learning languages such as books, online courses, language exchange platforms, mobile apps, and language learning websites. Some popular resources for learning Spanish and French include Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone, and Memrise.

3. Take language classes: If you prefer a structured approach and enjoy interacting with instructors and classmates, consider enrolling in language classes either in person or online. Many language schools and community centers offer Spanish and French classes at different proficiency levels.

4. Practice conversation: Language learning involves developing speaking skills. Seek opportunities to practice speaking Spanish and French with native speakers or language exchange partners. Some online platforms like Tandem and HelloTalk can connect you with language partners.

5. Immerse yourself in the language: Surround yourself with Spanish and French as much as possible. This can include listening to podcasts, watching movies or TV shows, reading books or newspapers, and listening to music in these languages. Immersion helps to train your ear and familiarize yourself with the native pronunciations.

6. Consistency is key: Create a regular learning schedule and stick to it. Daily practice, even for short periods, will be more effective than infrequent, longer study sessions.

7. Use supplementary materials: Along with your primary learning resources, use supplementary materials like grammar books, flashcards, or online language forums to reinforce your knowledge.

8. Join language communities: Engage with online communities, language forums, and social media groups dedicated to Spanish and French learners. These communities provide opportunities to ask questions, seek advice, and practice with fellow language enthusiasts.

Remember that learning a language takes time and dedication. Set realistic goals and be patient with yourself. Practice regularly and be open to making mistakes as they are part of the learning process. Enjoy the journey of discovering Spanish and French language and culture!