The cost of a telephone call is 75 cents plus 25 cents times the number of minutes

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To find the cost of a telephone call, you need to know the number of minutes of the call. Let's say the number of minutes is represented by "m".

According to the given information, the cost of a telephone call consists of two components: a fixed cost of 75 cents and an additional cost of 25 cents for each minute.

To calculate the cost, multiply the number of minutes by the additional cost per minute (25 cents) and then add the fixed cost (75 cents).

Cost of telephone call = Fixed cost + (Additional cost per minute × Number of minutes)

Cost of telephone call = 75 cents + (25 cents × m)

Hence, the cost of a telephone call can be calculated using the formula "75 cents + (25 cents × m)", where "m" represents the number of minutes.