Nico squared some numbers and got these answers.Determine each number she squared, Explain your reasoning.

a)49 (its 7)i know this one 7 X 7=49
please help, it'll mean alot! :)

Use the square root key on your calculator. Or you can enter each one into the Google search box.

To determine the numbers that Nico squared, we can work backwards by finding the square root of each given answer.

a) 49 (7 squared) - To find this answer, we take the square root of 49, which is 7. So, Nico squared the number 7.

b) 1225 - To find the number that Nico squared, we take the square root of 1225. By using a calculator or estimating, we find that the square root of 1225 is 35. Therefore, Nico squared the number 35.

c) 30 - To find the number that Nico squared, we take the square root of 30. By using a calculator or estimating, we cannot find a whole number whose square is exactly 30. This means Nico might have made a mistake or used a decimal number when squaring.

d) 72 - To determine the squared number, we take the square root of 72. By using a calculator or estimating, we cannot find a whole number whose square is exactly 72. Similar to the previous case, Nico might have made an error or used a decimal number.

e) 169 (13 squared) - To find this answer, we take the square root of 169, which is 13. Therefore, Nico squared the number 13.

f) 625 (25 squared) - To find this answer, we take the square root of 625, which is 25. Hence, Nico squared the number 25.

In summary:
a) Nico squared 7.
b) Nico squared 35.
c) The answer is unclear as there is no whole number whose square root is exactly 30.
d) The answer is unclear as there is no whole number whose square root is exactly 72.
e) Nico squared 13.
f) Nico squared 25.