what are the advances of early culture groups in north america

This question is FAR too broad. There were many, many groups of people (and therefore civilizations) that developed in what we now call North America.

You'll need to decide on one or two groups to concentrate on or narrow down the question.

To answer this question, you can start by researching specific early culture groups in North America. There were several prominent civilizations, such as the Maya, Inca, Aztec, Ancestral Puebloans, Mississippians, and many Native American tribes.

Once you choose a specific culture group, you can explore their unique advancements and achievements. Some common advances among various early culture groups in North America include:

1. Agriculture: Many culture groups in North America developed advanced agricultural practices, such as the use of irrigation systems, domestication of plants, and the development of crop rotation techniques. Agriculture facilitated the growth of settlements and the emergence of more complex societies.

2. Architecture and Engineering: Some culture groups, like the Ancestral Puebloans, built impressive multi-story dwellings made of adobe or stone, such as the cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde. The Maya and Aztec civilizations constructed elaborate cities with monumental temples, pyramids, and palaces. These structures often showcased advanced architectural techniques and engineering skills.

3. Art and Crafts: Early culture groups in North America created intricate and beautiful works of art. This includes pottery, jewelry, weaving, basketry, painting, and carving. These creative expressions reflected both the cultural values and the technical skills of the people.

4. Trade and Commerce: Many culture groups developed extensive trade networks, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies. These networks allowed for the spread of cultural practices and the growth of economic systems.

5. Astronomy and Calendar Systems: The Maya civilization, in particular, made significant advancements in astronomy. They developed accurate calendars based on astronomical observations, demonstrating a deep understanding of celestial bodies and stellar movements.

6. Social and Political Organization: Different culture groups had unique social and political systems. For example, the Mississippians created complex chiefdoms and large agricultural settlements. The Aztec civilization had a centralized government with a hierarchical system, led by the emperor.

Remember, the specific advancements will vary depending on the culture group you choose to focus on. Researching the specific culture group will provide more detailed insights into their specific achievements and advancements.