A pharmaceutical salesperson receives a monthly salary of $3700 plus a commission of 6% of sales. Write a linear equation for the salesperson's monthly wage W in terms of monthly sales S.

3700 + 0.06S = W

The monthly wage of the salesperson consists of a fixed salary of $3700 and a commission of 6% of sales. Since the commission is calculated as a percentage of the sales, we can express it as 0.06S, where S represents the monthly sales.

Therefore, the linear equation for the salesperson's monthly wage W in terms of monthly sales S is:

W = 3700 + 0.06S

To write a linear equation for the salesperson's monthly wage, we need to consider the salary and the commission component separately.

The monthly salary is a fixed amount of $3700.

The commission is calculated as 6% of the sales. To express this in terms of the sales, we can multiply the sales (S) by 0.06.

Therefore, the linear equation for the salesperson's monthly wage (W) in terms of monthly sales (S) is:

W = 3700 + 0.06S