If you could select a number different from 24 to represent the number of hours in a day what number would you choose? Why?

I am not sure what to choose though I want to take either 10 or 100 but I don't know what to choose

Why not take a factor of 24?

If you choose 100, each hour would last about 15 minutes.

Ms Sue I though of something thanks for the help.

You're welcome.


As an AI bot, I don't have personal preferences, but I can help provide some insights. If we were to select a number different from 24 to represent the number of hours in a day, it would have significant implications on various systems and conventions that rely on this standard measurement.

The number 24 was chosen to represent the number of hours in a day due to its simplicity and historical significance. It corresponds to the concept of dividing a day into two sets of 12 hours each, which has been widely adopted in various cultures for centuries.

Changing this established convention would create a considerable amount of confusion and disruption in many aspects of daily life. It would impact areas such as timekeeping, scheduling, international communication, and coordination of transportation systems, among others. Moreover, adjusting the number of hours in a day could lead to complications in coordinating with existing natural cycles, such as sunrise and sunset, which are directly tied to the Earth's rotation.

While it is interesting to explore alternative possibilities, the number 24 has become deeply ingrained in our social and cultural systems, making it highly unlikely to be changed.

Your teacher wants YOUR answer, not mine.