The Earths Interior: "Ability of a solid to flow or change shape like a thick liquid."

It is one word. The third letter is an (A)and it is 10 letters long.


To find the word that matches the description given ("Ability of a solid to flow or change shape like a thick liquid"), let's break down the information provided:

- The word is one word: We know that the word we are looking for consists of only one word.

- The third letter is an "A": This gives us a clue about the third letter of the word.

- The word is 10 letters long: This tells us the length of the word we are seeking.

Using this information, we can start searching for a word that meets all the criteria. In this case, the word that matches the description given is "plasticity." "Plasticity" refers to the property of a solid to flow or change shape, similar to a thick liquid.

So, the answer to your question is "plasticity."