Relax. The kid’s been delivering the paper for, how long? Three, four years maybe? And not once has she missed us. The paper will be here, just wait and see. She’s just been delayed for some reason.

a) true beyond a reasonable doubt
b) probably true
c) possibly true or possibly false
The answer is (C) possibly true or possibly false – We do not know for sure that the kid will show up that day. Maybe the kid has stopped delivering papers or she has moved to another city.

Very true!

The right answer is C.


To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze the information provided. The speaker states that the kid has been delivering the paper for three or four years without missing a day. However, the kid has been delayed this time, which suggests that there is a possibility that the kid may not deliver the paper as usual.

Option (A) "true beyond a reasonable doubt" can be ruled out, as there is some doubt due to the kid's unexplained delay.

Option (B) "probably true" could be a potential answer, as based on past behavior, it is likely that the kid will eventually deliver the paper. However, we cannot be certain as other factors may have caused the delay.

Therefore, option (C) "possibly true or possibly false" is the most appropriate answer, as it acknowledges the uncertainty of the situation.