3.Does it matter if we join two vertices with a straight line or a curved line when we represent a graph by drawing it on paper?

No it does not matter. You can even use a wavy line. However, we usually use a straight line unless we would like to avoid certain crossing of lines.

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When representing a graph on paper, the way we connect two vertices through a line does not affect the underlying structure or concept of the graph. It is purely a matter of visual representation and clarity.

In graph theory, where the focus is on the relationships and connections between vertices, the edges connecting vertices are considered to be abstract and don't have any physical properties like straightness or curvature. The important aspect is whether there exists a connection between two vertices or not.

However, when drawing a graph on paper, we use lines or curves to represent these connections to make the visual representation more understandable and intuitive. The choice between straight lines or curved lines is a matter of personal preference or the convention followed. No matter which representation you choose, as long as the connections between vertices are clear and consistent, the graph will still be the same.

So, to answer your question, it does not matter whether we join two vertices with a straight line or a curved line when drawing a graph on paper.