The debate team needs $240.00 to attend a debate tournament. The club decides to sell cups of iced tea and lemonade at baseball games. Iced tea will be sold for $.50 per cup and lemonade will be sold for $.80 per cup.

A. Write an equation to find how many cups of each beverage must be sold to raise $240.00
B. Graph the equation. What are the x- and y- intercepts?
c. Open-ended Use your graph to find three different combinations of cups of iced tea sold and cups of lemonade sold will raise $240.00

For A, let x be the number of cups of iced tea sold, and y be the numbe of cups of lemonade sold. Write an equation for total sales and set it equal to $240

We will be glad to critique your work.

A recipe calls for 2/3 cups of milk for 10 many cups of milk are needed to make a 150 cookies?

To answer part A, we need to write an equation to find the number of cups of each beverage that must be sold in order to raise $240. Let's use the variables x and y to represent the number of cups of iced tea and lemonade sold, respectively.

The total sales can be calculated by multiplying the number of cups sold by their corresponding prices and adding them together. The equation would be:

Total sales = (Price of iced tea per cup * Number of cups of iced tea sold) + (Price of lemonade per cup * Number of cups of lemonade sold)

In this case, the price of iced tea per cup is $0.50 and the price of lemonade per cup is $0.80. So, the equation becomes:

Total sales = (0.50 * x) + (0.80 * y)

Setting this equation equal to $240, we get:

0.50x + 0.80y = 240

This equation represents the situation where the total sales from selling cups of iced tea and lemonade should be equal to $240.

For part B, to graph the equation, we need to rewrite it in slope-intercept form, which is y = mx + b. So, let's rearrange the equation:

0.80y = -0.50x + 240

Divide all terms by 0.80 to isolate y:

y = -0.625x + 300

Now, we can graph this equation. The x-intercept occurs when y = 0:

0 = -0.625x + 300

0.625x = 300

x = 300 / 0.625

x ≈ 480

Therefore, the x-intercept is approximately (480, 0). This means that if no cups of iced tea are sold, we would need to sell 480 cups of lemonade to raise $240.

The y-intercept occurs when x = 0:

y = -0.625(0) + 300

y = 300

Therefore, the y-intercept is (0, 300). This means that if no cups of lemonade are sold, we would need to sell 300 cups of iced tea to raise $240.

For part C, we can use the graph to find three different combinations of cups of iced tea sold and cups of lemonade sold that will raise $240. We can choose any three points on the graph with integer coordinates.

One possible combination is (0, 300) which means selling no cups of iced tea and 300 cups of lemonade.

Another combination is (80, 220) which means selling 80 cups of iced tea and 220 cups of lemonade.

A third combination could be (240, 0) which means selling 240 cups of iced tea and no cups of lemonade.

These are just three examples, but there are other combinations that would also satisfy the equation.

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