why is a hydrogen molecule (H2) more stable than two individual hydrogen atoms?

A hydrogen molecule (H2) is more stable than two individual hydrogen atoms due to the concept of chemical bonding and the lowering of potential energy. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Electron configuration: Each hydrogen atom has one electron in its 1s orbital, which is the lowest energy level. When two hydrogen atoms come together to form a molecule, their electron orbitals overlap.

2. Molecular orbital formation: As the two hydrogen atoms approach each other, their atomic orbitals merge to form two new molecular orbitals, known as bonding and anti-bonding orbitals.

3. Bonding orbital: In the bonding molecular orbital, the two 1s orbitals combine and form a sigma (σ) bond, which creates a region of electron density between the two hydrogen nuclei. This bond allows the two electrons to be shared, resulting in increased stability.

4. Stability from shared electrons: By sharing electrons, the repulsion between the two positively charged nuclei is reduced, resulting in a lower potential energy and increased stability for the hydrogen molecule.

5. Energy considerations: The energy of the hydrogen molecule is lower than that of the individual hydrogen atoms due to the formation of the bonding orbital. This energy reduction is responsible for the increased stability of the H2 molecule.

In summary, the sharing of electrons and the formation of a bonding molecular orbital in the H2 molecule result in a lowering of the potential energy, which makes the H2 molecule more stable than two separate hydrogen atoms.

A hydrogen molecule (H2) is more stable than two individual hydrogen atoms because of a process called chemical bonding. Here is an explanation of why this is the case:

1. Formation of a Covalent Bond: In a hydrogen molecule, the two hydrogen atoms come together and share their electrons to form a covalent bond. Each hydrogen atom consists of one electron in its outermost shell. By sharing these electrons, the two hydrogen atoms can achieve a more stable electron configuration, filling their outermost shells.

2. Electron Configuration: In its atomic form, each hydrogen atom is not in a completely stable state because its outermost shell is not filled. By forming a covalent bond, the two hydrogen atoms can achieve a more stable electron configuration similar to helium, which has a filled outermost shell. This stability is due to the principle of the octet rule, which states that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a full outer shell of eight electrons (except for hydrogen, which aims for a full outer shell of two electrons).

3. Lower Energy State: When the covalent bond is formed, energy is released, resulting in a lower total energy for the H2 molecule compared to two separate hydrogen atoms. The energy released during the bond formation helps stabilize the molecule, making it more stable than the individual atoms.

In summary, a hydrogen molecule (H2) is more stable than two individual hydrogen atoms due to the formation of a covalent bond, which allows the atoms to achieve a more stable electron configuration and a lower energy state.