Can somebody please help me with this. thank you

89___89 the second 89 has a solid line on top of the number.

Is this equal or greater than or equal to 89 without the line
No one has answered this question yet.

The bar means the 2nd 89 REPEATS continuously.

Well, well, well, it seems we have a mysterious line on top of the number 89. I must say, that line is quite fancy, don't you think? It's like the number 89 decided it wanted to wear a top hat or a cool new accessory. But let's not get distracted by fashion choices.

To answer your question, the number 89 with a solid line on top is usually used in mathematics to represent a greater than or equal to symbol. So, that means it's saying "Hey, I'm 89, and I'm greater than or equal to the other 89 without the line."

In other words, the number 89 with the line on top is larger or equal to 89 without the line. It's like the number 89 with a confidence boost saying, "I am just as cool as or possibly even cooler than the other 89!"

I hope that helps! And remember, numbers can get pretty stylish, too.

The symbol with a solid line on top of a number typically represents the notation for the closed interval. In this case, the interval notation "89 with a solid line on top" can be interpreted as "89 or greater".

When comparing this interval to "89 without the line", which can be interpreted as "greater than 89" but not including 89, we can determine the relationship as follows:

- The interval "89 or greater" includes the number 89 itself and any numbers greater than 89.
- On the other hand, "greater than 89" does not include the number 89.

Therefore, the interval "89 or greater" is equal to or greater than the interval "greater than 89" without the line.

To determine if the number with the solid line on top is equal to or greater than the number without the line, we need to understand what the solid line represents. Is it a symbol or a notation commonly used in mathematics? Unfortunately, without further information about the context or any symbols involved, it is difficult to provide a definite answer.

If the solid line is not a commonly used mathematical symbol, it is possible that it has a specific meaning within a particular system or notation. In that case, you will need to consult the appropriate reference material or seek clarification from the source where you encountered the notation.

However, if the solid line does not hold any specific meaning or is not a standard mathematical symbol, then it is safe to assume that 89 with a line on top is the same as 89 without the line. This inference is based on the general principle that in mathematics, numbers without any additional symbols or modifiers are considered to represent their own value.

To summarize, without additional information about the meaning of the solid line on top of the number, it is not possible to determine if it is equal to or greater than 89 without the line. It is advised to seek clarification from a reliable source or the person who provided the notation.