What is the rounded off number,to the nearest gram,of 4.86932 kg

One kilogram is equivalent to 1000 grams.

4.86932 kg = 4.86932*1000 g = 4869.32 g

To round to the nearest gram, we draw a vertical line at the decimal point:
4869 | 32
if the first digit after the | bar is 5 or over, we add one to the number before the bar. Otherwise we do nothing.

Since the first digit after the bar is 3,(less than 5), we don't have to do anything.

Now we only have to write down the number before the | as the rounded weight of 4869 g.

What is 6.738(kg) to the nearest ten gram?


this is stupid



Ok so the answer for this question is 4.7. I knlw this because I am a 19 year old math teacher for 6th grade

what is 5452.8 to the nearest gram?


what is 6.75 rounded to the nearest gram?

U sed we draw a a verticle line at the decimal but u drew i at the end of the number y is that can you explain

0.85g rounded to the nearest g

dont know

express 4517 mg to the nearest gram


120 grams 6 half-lives
