can someone correct me: i have to graph

i have the inequalities:

3x -6y = 9
x -2y = 3

what i have is the points to plot if my y = -3/2
and my x = 0

therefore: (0,-1.5) and (0,0)

No. If y=0, then x=3 . Check that.

To graph the given system of inequalities, you need to solve each equation separately to find the points that satisfy the equations.

1. Let's start with the first equation, 3x - 6y = 9. You can rearrange this equation to find the value of x in terms of y:

3x = 9 + 6y
x = (9 + 6y) / 3
x = 3 + 2y

Now you have an equation for x in terms of y. You can choose arbitrary values for y and then calculate the corresponding values of x to plot on the graph.

2. Let's move on to the second equation, x - 2y = 3. Similarly, rearrange the equation to find the value of x in terms of y:

x = 3 + 2y

Now, you also have an equation for x in terms of y. Follow the same process as before, where you choose different values for y and calculate the corresponding values of x.

Based on what you provided, it seems like you substituted y = -3/2 and x = 0 into both equations to find the points. However, when you substitute y = -3/2 into the second equation, you get:

x = 3 + 2(-3/2)
x = 0

So the point (0, -1.5) that you mentioned does not satisfy the second equation. Therefore, it appears to be incorrect.

To find the correct points to plot, substitute y = 0 into each equation and solve for x:

For the first equation:
3x - 6(0) = 9
3x = 9
x = 3

So when y = 0, x = 3. Therefore, the point (3, 0) satisfies the first equation.

For the second equation:
x - 2(0) = 3
x = 3

Again, when y = 0, x = 3. So the point (3, 0) satisfies the second equation as well.

To summarize, the correct points to plot on the graph are: (3, 0) and (0, -1.5).