What is the sum of all possible positive integer values of n, such that n^2+19n+130 is a perfect square?

To find the sum of all possible positive integer values of n such that n^2+19n+130 is a perfect square, we first need to determine the perfect square values of n.

Step 1: Set up the equation
n^2 + 19n + 130 = k^2

where k is a positive integer.

Step 2: Rearrange the equation
n^2 + 19n + (130 - k^2) = 0

Step 3: Apply the quadratic formula
n = (-19 ± √(19^2 - 4(130 - k^2))) / 2

Step 4: Simplify the expression inside the square root
n = (-19 ± √(361 - 520 + 4k^2)) / 2
n = (-19 ± √(4k^2 - 159)) / 2
n = (-19 ± √(4k^2 - 160 + 1)) / 2
n = (-19 ± √((2k)^2 - 160 + 1)) / 2
n = (-19 ± √((2k)^2 - 159)) / 2

Step 5: Simplify further
n = (-19 ± √(2k - 13)(2k + 12)) / 2
n = -9.5 ± √((2k - 13)(2k + 12))

Step 6: Set up conditions for perfect squares
For the expression inside the square root to be a perfect square, both (2k - 13) and (2k + 12) must be perfect squares.

Step 7: Find the possible values of (2k - 13)
Since both (2k - 13) and (2k + 12) must be perfect squares, we can consider the possible values for (2k - 13) to be perfect squares.

Let (2k - 13) = a^2, where a is a positive integer.

Simplifying, we have: k = (a^2 + 13) / 2

Step 8: Find the possible values of (2k + 12)
Similarly, let (2k + 12) = b^2, where b is a positive integer.

Solving for k, we have: k = (b^2 - 12) / 2

Step 9: Find the possible values of n
Using the values of k obtained in steps 7 and 8, calculate the corresponding values of n using the equation n = -9.5 ± √((2k - 13)(2k + 12)).

Step 10: Sum up the values of n
Add up all the possible values of n obtained in step 9 to find the sum of the positive integer values of n.

Note: To calculate the exact values of n and the resulting sum, substitute different values for a and b, and calculate the corresponding values of n.