2. In Brazil, the indigenous population was around 3.5 million before the arrival of Europeans. Today, the indigenous population is around

A. 2 million.
B. 500,000.
C. 200,000.
D. 1.5 million.


I'll be glad to check your answer.

To find the answer to this question, we need to do some research on the current indigenous population in Brazil. We can start by searching for recent data from reputable sources such as government reports, census data, or articles from respected news organizations.

One reliable source of information is the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), a Brazilian governmental agency responsible for the protection and welfare of indigenous communities. By visiting their official website or searching for recent reports from FUNAI, we can find accurate data on the current indigenous population in Brazil.

Another option is to look for reputable news articles or reports from international organizations that focus on indigenous populations, such as the United Nations or indigenous rights organizations. These sources often provide reliable statistics and information on indigenous populations worldwide, including Brazil.

By using these research methods, we can find the most up-to-date and accurate data on the current indigenous population in Brazil and determine the correct answer to the question.