
Ba2+(aq) + SO42−(aq)

Adding what substance produces more SO4^2-???

This was a question, that had options of

1. SO4^2-
2. Ba2+
3. BaSO4(s)
4. and i think a compound with NH in it

Thank you

This is a nutty question. I suspect the trick is NOT to choose #3.

Adding SO4 will increase sulfate.
Adding Ba^2+ DECREASES SO4.
I can't think of NH containing compound that might do it unless it's a complexing agent. IF it complexed Ba so that Ba^2+ is decreased then SO4 will increase.

Dr Bob. I asked someone else in class they recalled NaSO4 as an option and I think under the common ion or complex ion theme that would be the choice? I chose BaSO4 (s)...i thought according to Le Chatelier that would dissociate and make more SO4 no???

Thanks for your insight if you hvae further comments on why either answer was right or wrong.

To answer the question, you need to determine which substance contributes more sulfate ions (SO42-) to the solution. Let's analyze the possible options:

1. SO42-: This option suggests that adding more sulfate ions would produce more sulfate ions. This is not possible, as it would not change the amount of sulfate ions in the solution. Therefore, we can eliminate this choice.

2. Ba2+: Adding barium ions (Ba2+) does not directly affect the amount of sulfate ions in the solution. The barium ions are separate from the sulfate ions and do not contribute additional sulfate ions. Therefore, we can eliminate this choice.

3. BaSO4(s): Adding more solid barium sulfate would not increase the amount of sulfate ions in the solution. The solid compound is already in equilibrium with the ions, and it does not readily dissolve to release more sulfate ions. Therefore, we can eliminate this choice.

4. Compound with NH: From the given information, it is unknown what the specific compound with NH is. Without further information, we cannot determine if it would produce more sulfate ions. Therefore, we cannot confidently select or eliminate this option.

Based on the analysis, we can conclude that none of the given options would produce more sulfate ions (SO42-) when added.