Need help writing this into Pseudocode Format: Robert has a van rental company, and he wants a program that determines the total cost of renting a van from him. His customers will pay a base fee (currently set at $50), plus a charge per mile (currently $.25 a mile).

Sure! Below is the pseudocode to calculate the total cost of renting a van from Robert's company:

// Declare and initialize variables
baseFee = 50
chargePerMile = 0.25

// Prompt the user for input
input distance

// Calculate the total cost
totalCost = baseFee + (distance * chargePerMile)

// Display the total cost to the user
output totalCost

In this pseudocode, we first declare and initialize the variables `baseFee` and `chargePerMile` to their respective values, $50 and $0.25.

Next, we prompt the user to enter the distance they will be traveling, and store that value in the variable `distance`.

We then calculate the `totalCost` by adding the `baseFee` to the product of the `distance` and `chargePerMile`.

Lastly, we output the `totalCost` to the user, which represents the total cost of renting a van from Robert's company based on the provided distance.