Create an image that reflects an educational setting, perhaps a calm study environment. Perhaps it contains a desk featuring a notebook, a pen, and a warm cup of coffee, situated near a window with daylight streaming in, illuminating the scene. There is no text in the image. The setting is peaceful, fostering focus on academic tasks. The color palette aligns with the tranquil atmosphere, featuring soft blues, creams, and warm browns.

Choose the correct form for each phrase.

1. the budget for this month

this months budget
this month's budget
this months' budget
this months's budget

2. the schedule of the doctor

the doctor's schedule
the doctors schedule
the doctors' schedule
the doctors's schedule

Select correct if the semicolon usage is correct. Select incorrect if the sentence needs a semicolon.

Laurie, Joaly, and Ted went to the museum, but Greg went to see a play.


Can someone please help me with these three questions. I greatly appreciate it.

For the first one I think it is the second option. And for the second, I think it is the third option.

What you think? :D

Yes, 1 is the second option --

"this month's budget "

Number 2 is not correct.

Is it the first option?


one doctor has a schedule >> doctor's schedule

Do you think you could help me with 3 more?

Sure. You post your questions and your answer -- and we'll go from there.

I'll be glad to help you with these questions.

3. is correct

1 and 2 -- I'll be glad to check your answers.