The Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco is shaped like a square pyramid. It has a slant height of 856.1 feet and each side of its base is 145 feet. Find the lateral area of the building.

Hannah I hope you're not one of my students in PA Cyber. This is the same question on the Geometry 11-3 quiz. I'll be asking your IS to do a Computer Online Activity Check to make sure this isn't you.


To find the lateral area of the Transamerica Pyramid, we need to calculate the area of each triangular face and then sum them up.

The formula to find the lateral area of a pyramid is:

Lateral Area = (perimeter of the base) * (slant height) / 2

First, let's find the perimeter of the base. Since the base is a square, all four sides have the same length, which is 145 feet.

Perimeter of the base = 4 * side length = 4 * 145 feet = 580 feet

Now, we can calculate the lateral area:

Lateral Area = (580 feet) * (856.1 feet) / 2
Lateral Area = 495380 feet^2

Therefore, the lateral area of the Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco is 495380 square feet.