Let f(x) be a polynomial such that


Find f(−100).



To find the value of f(-100), we need to solve the given equation and substitute x = -100.

Let's first solve the given equation step-by-step:

f(f(x)) - x^2 = xf(x)

Substituting x = -100:

f(f(-100)) - (-100)^2 = -100f(-100)

Simplifying further:

f(f(-100)) - 10000 = -100f(-100)

Now, we need to make some observations and simplifications to find the value of f(-100).

Observation 1:
Note that f(-100) is an input to the function f. Let's assume f(-100) = a, where 'a' is some constant.

Observation 2:
Substituting f(-100) = a in the equation:

f(f(-100)) - 10000 = -100f(-100)

f(a) - 10000 = -100a

Simplifying further:

f(a) + 100a - 10000 = 0

Now, we have a polynomial equation f(a) + 100a - 10000 = 0, where 'a' is a constant.

To find the value of f(a), we need either more information about the polynomial or additional equations.

Unfortunately, with the given equation alone, we cannot determine the exact value of f(-100) or the polynomial f(x).