a belt is wrapped tightly around circle O and forms a right angle at P, outside the circle. find the length of the belt if circle O has a radius of 8.

If the belt is tangent to the circle at Q, PQ = 8 and the angle QOP = π/4

So, the belt's length is

3π/2 * 8 + 2*8 = 12π+16

To find the length of the belt, we need to determine the distance around the circle to the point at which the belt forms a right angle.

Since we have a right angle at point P, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the belt.

The Pythagorean theorem states that in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse (in this case, the belt length) is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides.

Let's label the point where the belt forms a right angle on the circle as point A.

We know that OA is the radius of the circle and is 8 units long.

To form a right angle, PA must be equal to the diameter of circle O, which is twice the radius, or 16 units.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we have:

belt length^2 = OA^2 + PA^2

belt length^2 = 8^2 + 16^2

belt length^2 = 64 + 256

belt length^2 = 320

Taking the square root of both sides, we have:

belt length = √320

Simplifying, we have:

belt length ≈ 17.89 units

Therefore, the length of the belt is approximately 17.89 units.

To find the length of the belt, we need to consider the right triangle formed by the radius, the tangent line, and the belt.

Let's start by identifying points in the diagram:
- O is the center of the circle with a radius of 8.
- P is the point where the tangent line to the circle forms a right angle with the radius.
- A is the point where the belt touches the circle.

Since the radius of the circle is 8, we know that OA is also 8 units.

Now, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the belt. In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse (belt length) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

In our case, the hypotenuse is the belt length, the first side is the radius (OA), and the second side is the segment OP. To find OP, we need to find the length of PA.

Since the line segment PA is tangent to the circle, it is perpendicular to the radius OA. Therefore, we have a right triangle formed by OP, OA, and AP.

We can use the Pythagorean theorem again to find the length of PA. In this right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse (PA) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

The first side is the radius OA, which is 8 units, and the second side is OP.

However, we don't know the exact length of OP. But since the belt is tightly wrapped around the circle, we know that OP is the same as the circumference of the circle. The formula to find the circumference of a circle is 2πr, where r is the radius.

Substituting r = 8 into the formula, we have the circumference of the circle, which is equal to the length of OP.

Once we know the length of OP, we can find the length of PA using the Pythagorean theorem.

Finally, we can find the length of the belt by adding the lengths of OP and PA.

Therefore, to find the length of the belt, we follow these steps:
1. Find the circumference of the circle using the formula 2πr, where r is the radius.
2. Use the circumference as the length of OP in the right triangle OPA.
3. Apply the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of PA.
4. Add the lengths of OP and PA to find the length of the belt.

Let's calculate the length of the belt using these steps:
1. Circumference of the circle = 2πr = 2π(8) = 16π units.
2. OP = Circumference of the circle = 16π units.
3. Using the Pythagorean theorem in ΔOPA:
- OA² + PA² = OP²
- 8² + PA² = (16π)²
- 64 + PA² = 256π²
- PA² = 256π² - 64
- PA ≈ √(256π² - 64)
4. Length of the belt = OP + PA = 16π + √(256π² - 64) units.

Calculating the exact length of the belt would require computing the value of √(256π² - 64), which is approximately 150.4 units (rounded to one decimal place). Therefore, the length of the belt is approximately 16π + 150.4 units, or approximately 201.4 units (rounded to one decimal place).