New flat- screen tvs flash even faster than older tvs. Since dogs need a flicker freqency rate of 75, dogtv works as intended only on newer tvs. One type of new tvs flash 500 frames each second. How many moreframes does it flash than an older tv with a flicker frequency rate of 60 in p number of seconds? Show how you created your expression and explain your work.

To determine how many more frames a new TV with a flicker frequency rate of 500 flashes compared to an older TV with a flicker frequency rate of 60, we can follow these steps:

1. Calculate the number of frames the older TV flashes in p seconds:
- The flicker frequency rate of the older TV is 60, which means it flashes 60 times per second.
- Therefore, in p seconds, the older TV would flash 60 * p frames.

2. Calculate the number of frames the new TV flashes in p seconds:
- The flicker frequency rate of the new TV is 500, which means it flashes 500 times per second.
- Therefore, in p seconds, the new TV would flash 500 * p frames.

3. Find the difference between the number of frames flashed by the new TV and the older TV:
- Subtract the number of frames flashed by the older TV (60 * p) from the number of frames flashed by the new TV (500 * p).

Expression: (500 * p) - (60 * p)

Explanation of work:
The expression (500 * p) represents the number of frames flashed by the new TV in p seconds, and (60 * p) represents the number of frames flashed by the older TV in p seconds. Subtracting (60 * p) from (500 * p) gives us the difference between the two values, which represents the additional frames flashed by the new TV.