. in one of the periodic publications of the country, whose language is studied, you read article about the liquidation of zoos in the large cities. You converse with your friends: 1) describe to them about that read, say, what the title of article was; 2) express your opinion on this theme, indicating arguments za; 3) inquire by the opinion of your comrades apropos of that read by

. present to itself that you participate in the international conference on questions of environmental protection. Inform participants o: 1) the problems, caused by environmental pollution in the india; 2) inquire, as these problems they manage in other countries; 3) ' the importance of environmental protection

Prince, sounds like an interesting assignment. After you write your essay, we will be pleased to help you with the proofreading and will make suggestions as to how you can improve it. I would suggest using google "India, environmental protection", and 'India, environmental" pollution" to research those topics. Let us know if you need further suggestions.

The Zoo Situation has many questions that have different answers for each zoo. Many could not expand to accommodate the greater understanding about the need for space of many species to act normal. Many cities could not afford to keep their zoos open. Some zoos conditions were so bad for the animals, that they preserved the animals by relocating them. This is a rich and varied subject, Have fun :)

the kicthen is messy!

the kicthen is very messy!

Thank you for your response. It seems like you have provided a brief overview of the situation regarding the liquidation of zoos in large cities. Now, let's break down the instructions and address each part step by step.

1) Describing what you read to your friends:
To explain what you read about the liquidation of zoos in large cities, you can mention the main points from the article. For instance, you can say that the article discussed the closure of zoos in major cities and highlighted the reasons behind it.

2) Expressing your opinion on the theme and providing arguments:
When sharing your opinion on this topic, you can express whether you are in favor or against the liquidation of zoos. To support your stance, you can present logical arguments and reasons. For example, if you are in favor of the liquidation, you can mention that it might be beneficial for animal welfare as some zoos have inadequate conditions for the animals. Additionally, you can argue that the space previously occupied by zoos could potentially be used for other purposes that benefit society.

3) Inquiring about the opinions of your comrades:
To gather the opinions of your friends regarding the article, you can ask them what they think about the liquidation of zoos in large cities. Encourage them to share their thoughts and perspectives on the matter. This way, you can have a more comprehensive discussion and explore various viewpoints.

Moving on to the next part of the assignment:

1) Presenting problems caused by environmental pollution in India:
To provide information on the problems caused by environmental pollution in India, you can conduct research using reliable sources. Google searches using suggested keywords such as "India environmental pollution" or "problems caused by environmental pollution in India" will help you find relevant information.

2) Inquiring about how these problems are managed in other countries:
To gather insights on how other countries tackle similar environmental problems, you can search for examples of successful approaches used by different nations. Look for case studies, international initiatives, or best practices that demonstrate effective environmental management strategies beyond India.

3) Highlighting the importance of environmental protection:
During your participation in the international conference on environmental protection, emphasize the significance of safeguarding the environment. Discuss how protecting the environment is crucial for the well-being of ecosystems, biodiversity, human health, and sustainable development. Provide examples and statistics to support your points and create awareness about the importance of environmental protection.

Remember to provide well-researched information and engage in a thoughtful discussion with your friends and conference participants. Good luck with your essay!