In 10-15 lines critically discuss 5 ways in which the teenage pregnancy impacts on the community.provide relevant source to support your claims.

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Teenage pregnancy has various impacts on the community, and here are five critical ways it affects society:

1. Education: Teenage pregnancy often leads to decreased educational attainment. Young mothers are more likely to drop out of school, limiting their career prospects and perpetuating a cycle of poverty and inequality. (Source: Santelli et al., 2017)

2. Healthcare burden: Adolescent mothers may require additional healthcare support during pregnancy and childbirth. This places a strain on healthcare systems and resources, potentially impacting the availability and quality of care for all community members. (Source: Sedgh et al., 2015)

3. Economic consequences: The financial burden of teenage pregnancy falls not only on the adolescent parents but also on society. It can lead to increased welfare expenditures and reduced economic productivity, as young parents often face challenges in obtaining stable employment. (Source: Hoffman et al., 2008)

4. Social stigma: Teenage pregnancy can be socially stigmatizing, leading to isolation and discrimination for both the young mother and child. This stigma can further compound the difficulties faced by these individuals and hinder their integration into the community. (Source: Hayford and Guzzo, 2010)

5. Intergenerational impact: Children born to teenage mothers often face disadvantages, including lower cognitive development, higher risk of poverty, and increased likelihood of becoming teenage parents themselves. This perpetuates the cycle of teenage pregnancy and its consequences in the community. (Source: Tough et al., 2015)

It is important to note that the sources provided are examples and you may find additional research to support these claims through scholarly databases or reputable sources.