Which of the following behaviors is considered acceptable table manners?

burping? feeding the dog? eating pork chops with your fingers?

What are your choices?

Eating Flan with chopsticks.

Acceptable table manners vary wildly between cultures. Burping is a compliment to the chef in Japan but rude in most other places, slurping your soup is good in some but rude elsewhere, etc.

To determine which behaviors are considered acceptable table manners, we can refer to commonly accepted etiquette guidelines. Here are some examples of acceptable table manners:

1. Using utensils: When eating at a well-set table, it is customary to use utensils such as forks, knives, and spoons. Each utensil is designed for a specific purpose, so it's important to use them correctly.

2. Sitting properly: Sit up straight with your feet resting on the floor or footrest. Avoid slouching or leaning back in your chair.

3. Napkin usage: Place the napkin on your lap upon sitting down and use it to wipe your mouth as needed during the meal. When finished, place the napkin to the left of your plate.

4. Chew with your mouth closed: Avoid speaking with a mouthful of food and make an effort to chew with your mouth closed to minimize noise.

5. Eating quietly: Try to eat quietly without making loud noises or smacking your lips.

6. Pacing yourself: Begin eating after everyone has been served and pace your eating to ensure you finish approximately at the same time as others at the table.

7. Engage in polite conversation: Engage in pleasant and appropriate conversation with those seated around you, showing respect for everyone's opinions and avoiding controversial or sensitive topics.

8. Use utensils for shared dishes: When using shared dishes, such as serving dishes or bread baskets, use serving utensils provided, rather than reaching across the table.

These are just a few examples of acceptable table manners, and it's important to be aware that manners may vary slightly depending on cultural or regional differences.