Identify one environmental or human factor that causes ill health or accidents or disasters within your community or any other community within South Africa.

poverty in the community /in school

One environmental factor that can cause ill health or accidents or disasters in a community within South Africa is drought.

To identify this factor, you can follow these steps:

1. Research and analyze weather patterns: Look for areas or communities in South Africa that experience prolonged periods of low rainfall or inadequate water supply. This information can be obtained from meteorological institutions or by studying historical data related to droughts.

2. Observe effects on health and accidents: Once you have identified an area facing drought conditions, study the impact it has on the community's health and safety. Look for patterns such as increased rates of dehydration, malnutrition, waterborne diseases, heat stress, or an uptick in accidents related to water scarcity, such as conflicts over limited water resources.

3. Evaluate research and reports: Examine scientific studies, reports from health organizations, or records from disaster management authorities. These sources often provide insights into the impact of droughts on human health and accidents within affected communities.

4. Engage with local organizations and residents: Interact with local stakeholders, such as community leaders, health practitioners, and disaster management authorities, to gather firsthand information. They can provide insights into the specific challenges faced by the community due to drought-related ill health or accidents.

Remember, this process involves research, data analysis, and engagement with local stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of the environmental factor causing ill health, accidents, or disasters in a community within South Africa.