If x belongs Z, Solve the equation sq.rt(1) + sq.rt(2) + sq.rt(3) + .......... + sq.rt(x^) + sq.rt(x^+1) + sq.rt(x^2+2) = 5190

To solve this equation, we need to find the value of x that satisfies the equation:

√1 + √2 + √3 + ... + √xⁿ + √(xⁿ+1) + √(x²+2) = 5190

The given equation is a sum of square roots, starting from √1 up to √(x²+2), where x belongs to the set of integers (Z).

There isn't a straightforward algebraic method to solve this equation, so we will need to use numerical methods to approximate the solution.

One possible numerical method is to use iterative techniques, such as the bisection method or Newton's method, to find an approximate solution. These methods involve repeatedly refining an initial guess until we get closer and closer to the actual solution.

Here's a high-level explanation of how to solve using the bisection method:

1. Start with an initial guess for the value of x. Since the sum of square roots is 5190, we can make a rough initial guess based on the magnitude of the sum.
For example, let's start with x = 100.

2. Calculate the sum of square roots for this value of x.

3. If the calculated sum is greater than 5190, we know that the actual solution lies between the previous and the current value of x. So, we halve the interval and update the guess accordingly. In our case, x will become 50.

4. If the calculated sum is smaller than 5190, we know that the actual solution lies between the current and the next value of x. So, we update the guess to a value between the previous guess and the current guess.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 until the guess converges to the actual solution. This can be determined by setting a specific tolerance level for the difference between the calculated sum and 5190.

6. Once we have found a reasonably accurate solution, we can consider it as the solution to the equation.

It's important to note that applying numerical methods like the bisection method requires programming or spreadsheet tools to perform the iterative calculations.

It may take several iterations to find a precise solution, so implementing an algorithm in a programming language or using a spreadsheet software would be helpful.

Please note that the actual solution could be either an integer or a fractional value, depending on the equation and value of x.