how can disabled wheelchair people play sports? how do they?

Disabled individuals in wheelchairs can participate in sports through adaptive or wheelchair sports. These sports are specifically designed to accommodate individuals with disabilities, allowing them to engage in various recreational and competitive activities. Here are a few ways disabled wheelchair users can participate in sports:

1. Wheelchair Basketball: Wheelchair basketball is one of the most popular and widely recognized wheelchair sports. It follows similar rules to traditional basketball, but with adaptations to accommodate wheelchair users. Players remain seated in specialized sports wheelchairs and use their upper body strength to maneuver and shoot the ball.

2. Wheelchair Tennis: In wheelchair tennis, players use specially designed wheelchairs and adaptive equipment, such as sports wheelchairs and tennis racquets with extended handles. The same rules and scoring system apply as in traditional tennis, with players remaining seated.

3. Wheelchair Rugby: Also known as Murderball, wheelchair rugby is a full-contact sport primarily designed for individuals with quadriplegia. Players use specially designed wheelchairs that are sturdier and more robust than standard wheelchairs. The objective is to score points by carrying a ball across the opposing team's goal line while opponents try to stop them.

4. Wheelchair Racing: Wheelchair racing is a track and field sport where athletes compete in races using specially designed racing wheelchairs. Similar to running races, wheelchair racers participate in various distances, from sprints to marathons.

5. Wheelchair Dance: Wheelchair dance enables individuals with mobility impairments to express themselves artistically. Participants perform solo or in pairs, synchronizing wheelchair movements with dance routines.

These are just a few examples of adaptive wheelchair sports available. Depending on their abilities and interests, individuals with disabilities can explore a wide range of sports, from team sports to individual activities. It's important to note that adaptive sports often have specific organizations, clubs, or associations dedicated to providing opportunities and resources for disabled individuals to participate.