List all overloading methods (including constructors) in this coding..

public class Circle {

private double radius;
private String colour;

public Circle()
radius = 0;
colour = "";

public Circle (double r)
radius = r;

double getRadius()
return radius;

double getArea()
return Math.PI * radius * radius;

public String toString()
return "Aread of a circle with radius " + radius + " is " + getArea();

public class Cylinder extends Circle {
private double height;

public Cylinder ()
height = 0.0;

public Cylinder(double height) {
this.height = height;

public Cylinder(double radius, double height) {
this.height = height;

public double getHeight() {
return height;

public double getVolume() {
return super.getArea()*height;


In the given code, there are several overloaded methods, including constructors, in the classes Circle and Cylinder:

In the Circle class:
1. public Circle() - This is a no-argument constructor that initializes the radius to 0 and the colour to an empty string.
2. public Circle(double r) - This is a parameterized constructor that takes a double value 'r' and assigns it to the radius.

In the Cylinder class:
1. public Cylinder() - This is a no-argument constructor that calls the superclass's default constructor using the 'super' keyword and initializes the height to 0.0.
2. public Cylinder(double height) - This is a constructor that takes a double value 'height' and assigns it to the height of Cylinder while calling the superclass's default constructor.
3. public Cylinder(double radius, double height) - This is a constructor that takes double values 'radius' and 'height' and assigns them to the radius and height of the Cylinder while calling the superclass's constructor with a single argument.
4. public double getHeight() - This method returns the height of the Cylinder.
5. public double getVolume() - This method calculates and returns the volume of the Cylinder by calling the superclass's getArea() method and multiplying it by the height.

Note: The Circle class has no explicitly overloaded methods other than the constructors.