In a recent year there were the following numbers (in thousands) of licensed drivers in the United States.

Age 19 and under - 4746
Age 20 - 1625
Age 21 - 1679

Age 19 and under - 4517
Age 20 - 1553
Age 21 - 1627

Choose one driver at random. Find the probability that the driver is:
a. Male and 19 or under
b. Age 20 or female
c. At least 20 years old.

Thanks for your help!

In order to find the probabilities, we need to calculate the total number of licensed drivers and the number of drivers that meet the given conditions. Let's calculate them step-by-step.

a. Probability of choosing a male driver who is 19 or under:
To calculate this probability, we need to divide the number of male drivers who are 19 and under by the total number of drivers.

Total male drivers who are 19 and under = 4746
Total number of drivers = sum of total male and female drivers

Total male drivers = 4746 + 1625 + 1679

Therefore, the probability of choosing a male driver who is 19 or under = (Total male drivers who are 19 and under) / (Total number of drivers).

b. Probability of choosing a driver who is age 20 or female:
To calculate this probability, we need to add the number of female drivers who are 20 to the number of drivers who are female and divide this sum by the total number of drivers.

Total female drivers who are 20 = 1553
Total number of female drivers = sum of total male and female drivers

Total female drivers = 4517 + 1553 + 1627

Therefore, the probability of choosing a driver who is age 20 or female = (Total female drivers who are 20) / (Total number of drivers).

c. Probability of choosing a driver who is at least 20 years old:
To calculate this probability, we need to add the number of drivers who are male and at least 20 years old to the number of drivers who are female and at least 20 years old, and divide this sum by the total number of drivers.

Total male drivers who are at least 20 years old = 1625 + 1679
Total female drivers who are at least 20 years old = 1553 + 1627

Therefore, the probability of choosing a driver who is at least 20 years old = (Total male drivers who are at least 20) + (Total female drivers who are at least 20) / (Total number of drivers).

Please let me know if you would like me to perform the calculations based on the given data.

To find the probability for each event, we need to divide the number of outcomes that satisfy the event by the total number of possible outcomes. Let's find the total number of licensed drivers first.

Total number of licensed drivers =
Male drivers (19 and under) + Male drivers (age 20) + Male drivers (age 21) +
Female drivers (19 and under) + Female drivers (age 20) + Female drivers (age 21)

Total number of licensed drivers =
4746 + 1625 + 1679 + 4517 + 1553 + 1627

Now, we can proceed to calculate the probabilities:

a. Male and 19 or under:
The number of male drivers aged 19 and under is 4746. So, the probability is:
Probability (Male and 19 or under) = Number of male drivers (19 and under) / Total number of licensed drivers

b. Age 20 or Female:
The number of drivers who are either 20 years old or female is:
Number of male drivers (age 20) + Number of female drivers (age 20)
Let's calculate this sum and find the probability:
Probability (Age 20 or Female) = (Number of male drivers (age 20) + Number of female drivers (age 20)) / Total number of licensed drivers

c. At least 20 years old:
The number of drivers who are at least 20 years old is:
Number of male drivers (age 20) + Number of male drivers (age 21) + Number of female drivers (age 20) + Number of female drivers (age 21)
Let's calculate this sum and find the probability:
Probability (At least 20 years old) = (Number of male drivers (age 20) + Number of male drivers (age 21) + Number of female drivers (age 20) + Number of female drivers (age 21)) / Total number of licensed drivers

To get the final probabilities, substitute the appropriate numbers into the formulas and perform the calculations.

A. 4746/(grand total) = ?

Grand total is the sum of all the observations.

B. Either-or probabilities are found by adding the individual probabilities.

(All age 20/grand total) + (all female/grand total) = ?

C. (all 20+)/(grand total) = ?