Can a cellphone place near a pacemaker patient heart change the pacemaker patient heart rate and how?

Can I use my cell phone if I have a pacemaker?

The types of cell phones used in the United States are less than 3 watts and do not seem to affect pacemakers. But to be safe, you should keep your cell phone at least 6 inches away from your pacemaker. When you are talking on your cell phone, hold it on the opposite side of the body from your pacemaker. Do not carry your cell phone in your breast pocket if that means that it will be within 6 inches of your pacemaker.

Newer cell phone technology means that more cell phone frequencies will need to become available. According to the AHA, some of the cell phones using these new frequencies might make pacemakers less reliable. More studies are needed before we can know how these frequencies will affect pacemakers.

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Texas Heart Institute Heart Information Center
Through this community outreach program, staff members of the Texas Heart Institute (THI) provide educational information related to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular disease. It is not the intention of THI to provide specific medical advice, but rather to provide users with information to better understand their health and their diagnosed disorders. Specific medical advice will not be provided and THI urges you to visit a qualified physician for diagnosis and for answers to your questions.

A cellphone placed near a pacemaker patient's heart has the potential to interfere with the pacemaker's functioning, but this depends on several factors. The types of cell phones used in the United States typically have low power output, usually less than 3 watts, and are unlikely to affect pacemakers. However, it is still important to take precautions to ensure the proper function of the pacemaker.

To use a cellphone safely if you have a pacemaker, it is recommended to keep the cellphone at least 6 inches away from the pacemaker. When talking on the phone, hold it on the opposite side of the body from the pacemaker. It is also advised not to carry the cellphone in the breast pocket if it will be within 6 inches of the pacemaker.

It is worth noting that newer cell phone technologies may introduce new frequencies that could potentially impact pacemakers. However, more studies are needed to understand the extent of this effect. The American Heart Association advises caution and recommends monitoring updates on this topic.

If you have further questions or need information about keeping your heart healthy, it is recommended to contact the Texas Heart Institute's Heart Information Center. While they provide educational information related to cardiovascular health, they do not provide specific medical advice. For any medical concerns or specific questions about your condition, it is essential to consult a qualified physician.