What means FEEDBACK?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is what the Online Dictionary says:

Main Entry: feed·back
Pronunciation: 'fEd-"bak
Function: noun
Date: 1920
1 : the return to the input of a part of the output of a machine, system, or process (as for producing changes in an electronic circuit that improve performance or in an automatic control device that provide self-corrective action)
2 a : the partial reversion of the effects of a process to its source or to a preceding stage b : the transmission of evaluative or corrective information to the original or controlling source about an action, event, or process; also : the information so transmitted

Just imagine that you had to do a project in front of the class. What is said afterwards about how you did (evaluation) is "feedback" for you, so you'll know how to improve the next time.

The term "feedback" generally refers to the information or opinion given about something. In the context of a machine, system, or process, feedback refers to the return of a portion of the output back into the input to improve performance or provide self-corrective action.

To understand what "feedback" means, you can follow these steps:

1. Look up the term in an online dictionary or search engine.
2. Read the definition provided, which may include the general meaning of feedback and specific examples.
3. Consider the concept of feedback in different contexts, such as machines, systems, or human interactions.
4. Think about personal experiences or scenarios where feedback has been given or received.
5. Reflect on the purpose and benefits of feedback, such as improving performance or providing corrective information.
6. Connect the definition and examples to your own understanding of the term.

Remember that feedback is crucial for growth and improvement, whether it is provided in a professional setting or personal relationships. By seeking and acknowledging feedback, individuals and organizations can make necessary adjustments and foster positive development.