What would be the carbon containing product in this SN2 reaction?

CH3CH2-O(-) + CH3CH2CH2I ->

Give the major product:

ICH2CH2CH2CH2CH2F (KCN (1 eq)) DMF -->

the KCN is on top of the arrow, while the DMF is below the arrow.

I could really use some help! thanks!


DMF is the solvent, so the nucleophile is KCN

Fluoride is too electronegative to be a good leaving group, so I think this is the product for your reaction.


Thank you for helping me out! I am having a tough time in this class and this was a big help

In the first reaction, an SN2 reaction is occurring between a nucleophile (CH3CH2-O(-)) and an alkyl halide (CH3CH2CH2I). The nucleophile attacks the carbon atom of the alkyl halide, leading to the displacement of the iodine atom.

To determine the carbon-containing product in this reaction, we need to identify where the nucleophile attacks the alkyl halide. In this case, the nucleophile attacks the carbon atom adjacent to the iodine atom, resulting in the substitution of iodine with the nucleophile.

Therefore, the carbon-containing product in the SN2 reaction is CH3CH2CH2-O(-).

Moving on to the second reaction, it seems to involve a substitution reaction with KCN (potassium cyanide) and DMF (dimethylformamide) as solvents or reagents. The KCN, being above the arrow, indicates its involvement in the reaction.

However, the reaction product is not clear in the given information. The given compound ICH2CH2CH2CH2CH2F might be involved, but more details are needed to determine the exact product. If you provide more information about the reaction conditions, reactants, or any other relevant details, I can help you further.