A goat is tied at point A with a rope of length(L). How long can L be so that the goat can feed on exactly half of the field if the field is a circle.

Assuming A is on the edge of the field (circle F), let the radius of the field be R, and the rope be length L.

Let the circle with radius L and center A intersect the field at points B and C.

Then we want the area enclosed by the arcs BC to be 1/2 pi R^2.

The sector of circle A subtended by arc BC has area 1/2 L^2 θ where θ subtends BC.

The rest of the area comprises two segments of circle F, where each has area

1/2 R^2 (φ - sinφ)

where φ subtends arc AB or AC.

So, we want

1/2 L^2 θ + R^2 (φ - sinφ) = pi/2 R^2

So, what are θ and φ?

In triangle FAB, let FB be s.

s^2 = L^2 + R^2 - 2RL cos θ/2
s/sin θ/2 = L/sinφ

That should yield the result you need.

Pls d answer isn't really clear. And where did d triangle come from??

To determine the maximum length of the rope (L) so that the goat can feed on exactly half of the circular field, we need to consider the geometry of the situation.

First, let's assume the center of the circular field is point O, and the point where the goat is tied (point A) is on the circumference of the circle. Next, draw a line from the center of the circle (O) to the point where the goat is tied (A). This line segment will be the radius of the circle.

Now, we want to find the position where the rope will be tangent to the circle, effectively dividing the circular field in half. To do this, draw a line segment from point O perpendicular to line segment OA, and let the intersection with the circle be point B.

The line segment BO will be the vertical radius of the semicircle representing half of the field. Since the goat can feed anywhere on this semicircle, the maximum length of the rope (L) will be equal to the length of BO.

To find the length of BO, we can use the Pythagorean theorem. We know that OA is the radius, so let's call it r. The length of BO can be calculated using the following equation:

BO = sqrt(r^2 - AB^2)

However, we need to find the length of AB to substitute into the equation. Since both OA and OB are radii of the circle, they are equal in length (r). AB is a segment of length r, and it can be divided into two equal parts by the line segment from O to A. Let's call the divided length of AB as 'x'.

Now we can substitute the values into our equation:

BO = sqrt(r^2 - AB^2)
= sqrt(r^2 - (x^2 + x^2))
= sqrt(r^2 - 2x^2)

To maximize the feeding area for the goat, we want BO to be as large as possible. This means we want to maximize the value of sqrt(r^2 - 2x^2). To achieve this, we need to determine the maximum possible value for x.

Since AB is equal to x + x, we have AB = 2x. Given that AB is a part of the circumference of the circle, we can write the equation:

2x = (1/2)πr [Since the circumference of a circle is given by C = 2πr, where r is the radius.]

Simplifying, we find:

x = (1/4)πr

Now we can substitute this value of x back into our equation for BO:

BO = sqrt(r^2 - 2x^2)
= sqrt[r^2 - 2((1/4)πr)^2]
= sqrt(r^2 - (1/8)π^2r^2)
= sqrt[(8/8)r^2 - (1/8)π^2r^2]
= sqrt[(7/8)r^2 - (1/8)π^2r^2]
= sqrt[(7 - (1/8)π^2)r^2]

Now that we have the equation for BO in terms of r, we can see that this length will be maximized when (7 - (1/8)π^2)r^2 is maximized. Since r is a positive value, we can disregard it for maximizing BO.

To find the maximum value of (7 - (1/8)π^2)r^2, we need to consider the term (7 - (1/8)π^2). Since it is a constant value, its maximum will be achieved when r^2 is maximum.

Therefore, the maximum length of the rope (L) so that the goat can feed on exactly half of the field is when r^2 is maximized, which occurs when the goat is tied at point A on the circumference of the circle. In other words, the maximum length of the rope depends on the radius of the circle.