Which of these was not a prime reason why Whitman chose to write in free verse?

A. to express his individuality
B. to celebrate democracy
C. to convey a sense of freedom
D. to imitate earlier poets he admired

To determine which of these options was not a prime reason why Whitman chose to write in free verse, we need to analyze his motivations and reasons behind using this form of poetry.

Walt Whitman, an American poet, is renowned for his use of free verse in his most famous collection, "Leaves of Grass." Free verse is a form of poetry that does not follow a strict rhyme or meter scheme. It allows for greater flexibility and creative expression in the poet's writing.

A. To express his individuality: This is indeed one of the reasons why Whitman chose to write in free verse. By breaking away from the traditional poetic forms, he aimed to showcase his unique voice and individualistic style.

B. To celebrate democracy: This, too, is a prime reason why Whitman utilized free verse. By using a form of poetry that did not conform to established rules, he sought to reflect the spirit of democracy, where individuals are granted the freedom to express themselves without unnecessary constraints.

C. To convey a sense of freedom: This is another compelling reason why Whitman embraced free verse. By eschewing the rigid structure of traditional poetry, he aimed to capture the essence of freedom in his writing, allowing his words and ideas to flow freely and naturally.

D. To imitate earlier poets he admired: This option is the correct answer. Whitman did not choose to write in free verse as a means of imitating earlier poets he admired. Instead, he sought to forge his own path and create a poetic style that was distinctively his own.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. To imitate earlier poets he admired. Whitman's adoption of free verse was driven by his desire to express individuality, celebrate democracy, and convey a sense of freedom.