Please help with history?

I have a project where I have to find the primary and or secondary source of today's time.

The questions are 1.what is the context of the primary/secondary source that you have discovered? 2.what do you believe this reveals about society today? 3. What does this source reveal about what people thought, sought, bought? I don't under stand what I am to do?!? THANKS!

See my response to your previous question.

To complete your project on finding primary and secondary sources of today's time, here's what you can do:

1. Identify a topic of interest: Start by thinking about a specific aspect of society today that you would like to explore. It could be anything from technology, politics, entertainment, fashion, or social issues.

2. Determine primary and secondary sources: Primary sources are original materials created at the time of an event or era, such as diaries, letters, photographs, speeches, or interviews. Secondary sources are interpretations or analyses of primary sources, like books, articles, documentaries, or scholarly papers. For today's time, primary sources could include news articles, social media posts, photographs, videos, or personal testimonies. Secondary sources might involve books, documentaries, scholarly articles, or analysis pieces on current events or social trends.

3. Seek out relevant sources: Start by searching online databases, libraries, news websites, or academic journals for primary and secondary sources related to your chosen topic. Use keywords to refine your search and find sources that best fit your research needs.

4. Evaluate and analyze the sources: Once you have gathered a few potential sources, examine them critically. Consider their context, credibility, and significance. Ask yourself questions like: When and where was the source created? Who created it and why? Is the source biased or objective? Does it offer an insider's perspective or a broader view? How does it relate to your research questions?

5. Answer the project questions: Based on your analysis, address the questions posed by your project. The context of the source refers to the circumstances surrounding its creation. Consider the historical, social, or cultural context in which the source was produced. What does this reveal about society today? Reflect on the implications of the source on present-day society. Lastly, analyze what the source reveals about what people thought, sought, or bought. Examine the attitudes, values, or behaviors reflected in the source.

Remember, the process of finding and analyzing sources is an essential skill in historical research. If you have any specific topic in mind, I can help you further by suggesting potential sources.