1.Rob or Fred ____ basketball after school. (plays play)


2.The teacher or the students ____ the display to visitors. (explain explains)

3.Neither Grace nor Kirk ___ the name. (remember remembers)

4.A laboratory and an office ____ on the first floor.
(is are)

5.Beef and broccoli ___ a popular Chinese dish (is are)

6.The elephants and the giraffes ___ the zoo visitors (ignore ignores)

7.The angle or speed ___ every few minutes (change changes)

8. Dodie and Steve ____ clothing made of leather (dislikes dislike)

9.Oak trees and large rocks ___ the landscape (dot dots)

10.Mom or dad ___ us as we swim (watch watches)

3) Just make sure that the noun closest to the blank matches the verb form! So here it should be plural since the noun right before the blank is 'Kirk', one person. (remembers)

5) It would be 'is'. Beef and broccoli is the name of the dish. It is easy to get confused because they are telling you about what the dish contains, or its ingredients. But a clue would be that the noun right after is 'dish' so you know the noun is singular.

1. To answer this question, we need to identify the subject of the sentence. In this case, the subject is "Rob or Fred." Since the subject is plural ("Rob and Fred"), we use the plural form of the verb "to play," which is "play." Therefore, the correct answer is "play."

2. Similar to the previous question, we need to identify the subject of the sentence. In this case, the subject is "the teacher or the students." Since the subject is singular ("the teacher") and we use the verb "to explain," the correct answer is "explains."

3. Again, we need to identify the subject of the sentence, which is "Neither Grace nor Kirk." Since the subject is singular ("Neither Grace"), we use the verb "to remember." Therefore, the correct answer is "remembers."

4. This sentence refers to a laboratory and an office, indicating multiple entities. Therefore, we use the plural form of the verb "to be," which is "are." Hence, the correct answer is "are."

5. The sentence states that beef and broccoli are a popular dish, which suggests multiple entities. Hence, we use the plural form of the verb "to be," which is "are." So, the correct answer is "are."

6. The sentence mentions elephants and giraffes, which indicates multiple entities. The verb used in this context is "ignore." Therefore, the correct answer is "ignore."

7. The sentence refers to the angle or speed, which suggests a singular subject. We use the singular form of the verb "to change" in this case, which is "changes." Hence, the correct answer is "changes."

8. The sentence states that Dodie and Steve dislike clothing made of leather. Since the verb "to dislike" is third person plural, which agrees with multiple subjects, the correct answer is "dislike."

9. The sentence mentions oak trees and large rocks, which indicates multiple entities. However, the verb "to dot" does not fit the context here. We can use the verb "to dot" to describe something with small, scattered spots. To better describe the landscape, we can use the verbs "to dot" or "to decorate," depending on the intended meaning. So, the answer depends on the intended meaning or can be seen as an incomplete sentence.

10. Just like the previous examples, we need to identify the subject. In this case, the subject is "mom or dad." Since the subject is singular ("mom" or "dad"), we use the verb "to watch" in the singular form. Therefore, the correct answer is "watches."
