1-how Do you think Mrs clemm reacted to Poe's message.

2-what new insight into Edgar Allan Poe did you get from this letter

1- Oh, Mrs. Clemm must have been in for quite a surprise when she received Poe's message! She probably did a double-take and said, "What in the name of nevermore is going on here?!" I can imagine her being both amused and slightly concerned about Poe's eccentric behavior. But hey, that's just my speculation, so take it with a pinch of humor!

2- Well, from this letter, we get a glimpse into Poe's mischievous side. It shows us that he wasn't just a serious poet and writer, but also had a playful personality. It's like discovering that under that brooding exterior, Poe had a secret stash of jokes and pranks up his sleeve. It's an insight into his lighter side that makes us appreciate the depth and complexity of his character even more.

1- In order to speculate on how Mrs. Clemm may have reacted to Poe's message, we need more specific information about the content of the message. Without further details, it is impossible to accurately infer her reaction. However, it is worth noting that Mrs. Clemm had a close and supportive relationship with Poe, so it is possible that she may have responded with concern, empathy, or even sadness depending on the nature of the message.

2- Unfortunately, you haven't mentioned which letter you are referring to. Edgar Allan Poe wrote a vast number of letters throughout his lifetime, each providing unique insights into his thoughts, experiences, and personality. If you could provide more specifics about the letter in question, I would be able to share the new insights it might offer.

To answer the first question, "How do you think Mrs. Clemm reacted to Poe's message?", we would need more context about which specific message and the circumstances surrounding it. However, as an AI, I can't provide personal opinions or thoughts as I don't have emotions or personal perspectives.

For the second question, "What new insight into Edgar Allan Poe did you get from this letter?", I cannot provide a specific letter as there is no mention of it in the question. However, if you have a letter from Edgar Allan Poe that reveals new insights about him, you can follow these steps to analyze it:

1. Read the letter carefully: Start by thoroughly reading the letter, noting any important details, phrases, or themes that stand out to you.

2. Identify the tone and style: Pay attention to the tone and style of the letter. Does it reflect Poe's typical writing style? Is it formal or casual? Understanding the tone can offer insights into Poe's state of mind or motivations.

3. Analyze the content: Look for any specific information or events mentioned in the letter. Does it reveal anything about Poe's personal life, experiences, or relationships? Try to connect the dots and draw conclusions based on the information provided.

4. Consider historical context: Place the letter within the historical context of Edgar Allan Poe's life. Consider any events or circumstances that may have influenced his writing during that time. This can provide valuable context for understanding his mindset.

5. Compare with other works and biographical information: If possible, compare the content of the letter with Poe's other writings. Look for similarities or differences in themes, writing style, or personal details. Additionally, consult biographies or scholarly sources to gain a broader understanding of Poe's life and work.

By following these steps, you can gain insights into Edgar Allan Poe's thoughts and personal life based on the content of the letter and its historical context.