one out of every five people who buy ice cream buys vanilla ice cream. If a store sells 75 ice cream cones in one day, about how many will be vanilla

75 / 5 = ?

One Out of every 5 people buy ice cream

If a store sells 75 ice cream cones in one day.
About how many would be vanila

One Out of every 5 people buy ice cream

If a store sells 75 ice cream cones in one day.
About how many would be vanilla


To solve this problem, we need to find one-fifth (1/5) of the total number of ice cream cones sold in one day.

First, we need to determine the number of vanilla ice cream cones sold. To do this, we'll divide the total number of ice cream cones sold (75) by 5, since one-fifth represents the proportion of vanilla ice cream.

75 รท 5 = 15

Therefore, approximately 15 of the 75 ice cream cones sold in one day will be vanilla.