find all real or imaginery solutions.

I came up with {-6,6}, is this correct or have I missed something?

x=+or- sqrt 36


You are absolutely correct.


Rich B.


Your solution of {-6, 6} is correct for the equation -4k^2 + 144 = 0.

To explain how to find all the real or imaginary solutions, here are the steps:

1. Start with the equation: -4k^2 + 144 = 0.
2. Move the constant term (in this case, 144) to the other side of the equation to isolate the variable: -4k^2 = -144.
3. Divide both sides of the equation by -4 to solve for k^2: k^2 = 36.
4. Take the square root of both sides of the equation to solve for k: k = ±√36.
5. Simplify the square root of 36: k = ±6.

Therefore, the solutions for k can be either -6 or 6, so your solution of {-6, 6} is correct.