I'VE BEEN DESPERATELY LOOKING THROUGH SITE AND SITES FOR HOUR BUT I CANT FIND ANY article that suit my teacher's taste and he told me to re do it again... anyone please help this is what he wrote

"I am looking for published articles related to the Internet2. It is a
network that has been designed to somewhat replace the old internet.
Any articles that you find should have been published in a journal.
Most likely it would be in a .pdf document."

well the first time i submitted 10 articles to him but that's my bad cuz its not in PDF format for sure but still.. help plz anyone


I understand that you are looking for published articles related to Internet2 in PDF format. Here's how you can find articles that meet your teacher's requirements:

1. Open a web browser and go to www.google.com.
2. In the search bar, type "Internet2" and hit enter.
3. Review the search results to find relevant articles. However, to narrow down your search, we need to add additional criteria.
4. To filter the results only for PDF documents, add the following to your search query: "filetype:pdf". This will only display search results that are in PDF format.
5. If you want to search for articles published in journals, you can add the keyword "journal" or "research paper" to your search query.
6. Modify your search to include these criteria. Here's an example of how your search query should look: "Internet2 filetype:pdf journal".
7. Hit enter or click on the search button to view the updated search results.
8. Review the search results and click on the links that appear to be PDF documents published in journals.

With these steps, you should be able to find articles related to Internet2 that meet your teacher's requirements. Keep in mind that you may need to review multiple articles before finding the perfect one that suits your teacher's taste. Good luck with your research!