If the car has a mass of 0.4 kg, the ratio of height to width of the ramp is 13/125, the initial displacement is 1.9 m, and the change in momentum is 0.87 kg*m/s, how far will it coast back up the ramp before changing directions?


I get .3797m, but apparently this is not the right answer :( Could you please show the steps? I am have a quiz on this material coming up and would like an explanation on how to do this problem.

Thank you very much!

Why should it coast back up the ramp at all? All that I see at the bottom of the ramp is a "force transducer".


Is y/x = 13/125 ?
I would not call the 125 a width.

How is the initial displacement defined?

I know this seems like a silly question but our professor said we should be getting a very small value that will not even make a substantial difference. It is a poorly thought out problem. Yes y/x = 13/125. That's all I can really help with. Sorry :( Thank you for your help anyways though!

Certainly! To find the distance the car will coast back up the ramp before changing directions, we can use the conservation of mechanical energy principle. Here are the steps to solve the problem:

Step 1: Determine the potential energy at the highest point of the ramp.
The potential energy at the highest point of the ramp can be calculated using the equation PE = m * g * h, where m is the mass of the car, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²), and h is the height of the ramp.

m = 0.4 kg
h/w = 13/125 (height to width ratio)

To find h, we can use the ratio provided. Let's assume the width of the ramp is w. Then, we have:
h/w = 13/125
h = (13/125) * w

Step 2: Calculate the potential energy at the highest point.
PE = m * g * h
PE = (0.4 kg) * (9.8 m/s²) * (13/125) * w

Step 3: Determine the kinetic energy at the initial displacement.
The initial kinetic energy can be calculated using the equation KE = (1/2) * m * v², where m is the mass of the car and v is the initial velocity.

m = 0.4 kg
Change in momentum = 0.87 kg·m/s

The change in momentum is equal to the initial kinetic energy, so:
Change in momentum = KE = (1/2) * m * v²
0.87 kg·m/s = (1/2) * (0.4 kg) * v²

Step 4: Solve for the initial velocity (v).
Rearranging the equation from Step 3, we get:
v² = (2 * 0.87 kg·m/s) / (0.4 kg)
v² = 4.35 m²/s²
v = √(4.35 m²/s²)
v = 2.08 m/s

Step 5: Calculate the initial kinetic energy (KE).
KE = (1/2) * m * v²
KE = (1/2) * (0.4 kg) * (2.08 m/s)²

Step 6: Apply the conservation of mechanical energy.
Since energy is conserved, the total mechanical energy at the highest point of the ramp (potential energy) is equal to the initial kinetic energy.

(0.4 kg) * (9.8 m/s²) * (13/125) * w = (1/2) * (0.4 kg) * (2.08 m/s)²

Step 7: Solve for the width of the ramp (w).
w = (2 * (1.04 m²/s²)) / ((0.4 kg) * (9.8 m/s²) * (13/125))
w ≈ 1.697 m

Step 8: Calculate the distance the car will coast back up the ramp before changing directions.
The distance can be calculated by multiplying the width of the ramp by the initial displacement.

Distance = w * initial displacement
Distance = 1.697 m * 1.9 m
Distance ≈ 3.22 m

Therefore, the car will coast back up the ramp for approximately 3.22 meters before changing directions.