2(7w-1w+7)>122 ? what work would i do? im just learning inequalties and i have a quiz tomorrow with problems like this, please help!

First you distribute


Combine like terms


Subtract 12 to both sides


Divide 14 to both sides


To solve the inequality 2(7w - 1w + 7) > 122, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the expression on the left side of the inequality:
2(7w - 1w + 7) becomes 2(6w + 7) which further simplifies to 12w + 14.

So, the inequality becomes 12w + 14 > 122.

Step 2: Move the constant term to the right side of the inequality. Subtract 14 from both sides of the inequality:
12w + 14 - 14 > 122 - 14, which simplifies to 12w > 108.

Step 3: Divide both sides of the inequality by the coefficient of w, which is 12, to isolate w:
(12w)/12 > 108/12, which simplifies to w > 9.

So the solution to the inequality is w > 9.

To practice solving inequalities similar to this one, you can try substituting different numbers for w and checking if the resulting inequality is true or false. This will help you become more comfortable with solving inequalities.

Remember to pay attention to the signs of the terms and follow the order of operations (parentheses, exponents, multiplication/division from left to right, and addition/subtraction from left to right) while simplifying the expression.