Ms. Lewis is a chemist mixing two solutions together. A chemical reaction takes place, and the solution becomes warm. Which statement best describes what has happened?

A. Energy has been created in the form of thermal energy
B. Energy has been transformed from one form to another
C. More energy has been created than has been destroyed
D. The chemical energy of the solution has been destroyed


The best answer to this question is B. Energy has been transformed from one form to another.

When a chemical reaction takes place, it often involves the breaking and forming of chemical bonds. This process requires or releases energy. In this case, the solution becoming warm indicates the release of energy in the form of heat or thermal energy. It means that the chemical energy stored in the reactants has been transformed into thermal energy.

Energy is a conserved quantity according to the law of conservation of energy. It states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form to another. Therefore, option A is incorrect since energy cannot be created in this context. Option C is also incorrect as the total energy in the system remains the same. Option D is also incorrect since the chemical energy of the solution has been transformed, not destroyed.

B. Energy has been transformed from one form to another